Feb 28, 2024

Perfectly prepared for a good nights sleep

With January seeming to never end and an extra day in February, it seems strange to suddenly almost find ourselves in March. Crisp fresh air and lighter evenings mean that we naturally start to head outside and plan to spend more time out of the house. Which, in turn, you’d hope that after a full packed day, you’d drift off peacefully and wake up feeling replenished ready to take on the world once more, but this doesn’t always seem to be the case.

Spa Breaks

For the month of March during our Transformation season, we are focusing on quality sound sleep and we are so pleased to introduce Sarah-Louise, our Expert Sleep Therapist.

Sleep is one of the most overlooked, yet fundamental needs for your body. It not only improves your brain performance but also your mood and health. Not getting enough regular sleep can be the reason that sometimes you just feel out of sync and a little under the weather.

Sarah-Louise is passionate to share her personal findings along with her professional background in Psychology. Sarah obtained a degree in Certified Clinical and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for sleep issues. With Sarah-Louise’s experience she is dedicated to discovering what prevents you from getting the rest you so rightly deserve and need, allowing you to fully immerse in living the best version of your life.

To help you on your journey to a good night’s sleep, Sarah-Louise has designed a ‘Practical tools for sleep’ workshop, in hope to pass on her knowledge and guide you into the right mindset for sleep, wherever you lay your head.

What can I expect in this workshop?

During this hour-long session in a perfectly heated studio with the lights dimmed and a comfortable yoga mat and blanket, you’ll start to feel your body relax.

The session will begin with breathing techniques to shift your focus inwards,  learning self-soothing scalp and hand massages and  fully immerse yourself in the relaxation and rejuvenation process to aid sleep. Once you feel the weight lift from your shoulders, Sarah-Louise will then guide you through a gentle stretch from head to toe, releasing tension and achy muscles.

To finish this slow-paced session, a guided meditation with the addition of Tibetan singing bowls will bring you back full circle, giving you that opportunity to detach from the world and place yourself at the centre.  Through soft vocals and vibrations your body will resonate as the sounds fill the room, helping you feel more grounded and perfectly prepared to float back to your bedroom, ready for a good nights sleep.

If you are struggling with getting a good night sleep or are just wanted to learn some sleep techniques, please call our Treatments Administration Team on 01664 433 043 to secure your place when visiting. Sarah-Louise will be holding ‘Practical Tools for Sleep’ workshop classes on the 6th and 20th March at 8:30pm. Supplementary cost of £10 per person.


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