Jul 25, 2023

the art of self-care

Life may throw many challenges at you and often when you least expect it. These pressures like to test your courage, spirit, and willingness to change. You often can’t control when they happen but despite a tired body and a busy mind, you will always face challenges in your everyday life. In order to maintain mental, emotional and physical health, it’s important to allow some ‘You-Time’ to restore, recharge and refresh.


Self-care is often seen as a luxury, but we really should see this as a necessity so we can build a resilience to help tackle stress in whatever form it presents itself. Dedicating time to invest in your mind and body will ensure you’re better equipped to truly living your best life. It focuses on helping you to identify your needs and actively engaging in activities that nurture and support you, thereby promoting overall health and happiness.

Personal taste is a factor, one size doesn’t fit all, but there are some common activities that have been found to work well. These don’t always need to be a hot bubble bath or face mask (although we think these are great too!) but maybe try to take up a new hobby, practising positive affirmations or simply a temporary technology detox are great ways in which you can prioritise yourself, even if just for a short while.

No act of self-care is too small, remember that a moment away from your desk, a walk during lunch, a cup of tea or talking to a loved one on the phone will always make the world of difference. This key to self-care is to press the pause button and refocus.

For those who want to discover a way to explore self-care and take the time to really practise the art, we offer a serene spa setting which allows you to step away from your daily routine to ensure that downtime can be spent unwinding and reconnecting.

Over 4 days, our Be Kind To Yourself Retreat (Friday 15th September to Monday 18th September) will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, combining specialist activities Breathwork, Sound Bathing and Mindful Walking with 90-minutes of healing treatment time to reset your mind and body putting you back on an even keel. Truly immersive workshops will teach you not just the mental health benefits, but also how to master skills such as journaling, mandala, and juggling. The key ingredient, however, is a unique toolbox talk on Learning to Love Yourself.

You’ll receive a carefully curated gift pack on arrival, designed to help you to make the most of the activities and treatments during the retreat, with exclusive in-room extras and a bespoke dining experience crafted by our Head Chef, providing an immersive and nourishing approach to enhancing your wellbeing.

However you like to relax, let’s use today as a reminder that every so often it’s ok to put yourself at the centre.



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