Sep 20, 2023

Embrace the Cold this Autumn with Cold Water Therapy

When it comes to water, we often think of instantly feeling refreshed, and this has never been more true with the growing popularity of cold water therapies. With more and more people taking the plunge, we are thrilled to be able to offer our new Cold Water Therapy session, for guests who are ready to embrace the trend in our Outdoor Pool this October.  With this launch , we hope to tempt you to take a dip and reap the benefits too!


Cold water therapy has been around since the Ancient Greeks. They started using cold temperatures as a healing and restorative practice, submerging the body in waters below 16 degrees and saw and felt wonderful results. With the guidance of our instructor, cold water therapy can help you feel refreshed, revitalised and recharged, plus the chance to experience further benefits from just a short time immersed in water, like the ones below:

Supports Immune System

When there is a drop in body temperature, this can stimulate your white blood cell production and helps to support your immune system.

Improves Mental Health

It has been shown that through regular cold-water dips it can reduce, stress, anxiety and even depression.

Boosts Metabolism

To try to keep you warm, your heart rate will increase so you’ll burn more calories than swimming in warm water.

Reduces Inflammation

Cold water dips are known to have this effect, hence most elite sports people using it to recover from heavy training as it positively impacts muscles and joints.

Enhances Circulation

The heart and blood vessels work harder and become more efficient, so they are even better equipped to deal with demands when you return to dry land.

If you feel encouraged to try something new or want to enjoy the benefits of this growing trend too, we thought some tips and what to expect in our class might help you take the dive and get the most out of this therapeutic pastime.


Our award-winning fitness expert, Dean Hodgkin, has designed a truly immersive introductory experience that safely combines breathwork, meditation and acupressure in a unique 30mins session in our Outdoor Pool, to help you to enjoy the many potential health boosting effects.


  • You can lose heat through your head so a swim cap, or even a woolly hat, makes good sense.
  • You will experience cold water shock initially so use the steps rather than jump or dive into the pool.
  • For the first few minutes focus on taking slow, deep breaths as you acclimatise to the water.
  • Your core temperature will continue to drop after you leave the pool, so dry off and put on dry clothing as soon as possible, maybe adding extra layers.
  • It’s best to warm up gradually, so avoid taking a hot shower or bath immediately after your swim.
  • Consume a warm drink and a snack to refuel and restore your body.

In order to guarantee a more personal experience, numbers are limited so to book your place please call Heart + Soul Fitness on 01664 434 411,  Ext 318 or via

Sessions will begin October 2023.

One response to “Embrace the Cold this Autumn with Cold Water Therapy”

  1. Wendy Malhan says:

    Hi I’m interested in this

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