Feb 17, 2022

Restore harmony to your body and mind with our NEW Sound Healing Treatment

Drift into deep relaxation and restore harmony to your mind and body with our NEW Sound Healing treatment.

Created by our expert wellness team, this immersive treatment begins with meditation and deep yoga breaths to calm your body and still your mind as you recline on a comfortable bed. You’ll feel cocooned as a weighted pillow is placed over your forehead, which gives off gentle heat. As you begin to feel yourself relax, the therapist will perform gentle body stretches from head to toe, preparing the body for the experience of sound. Dimmed lighting and peaceful music complement the experience and you’ll soon drift off into a state of deep relaxation.

Vibrations created by Tibetan singing bowls can help to reduce stress and have a positive effect on the immune and nervous systems. As the bowls are placed over your chakras, the vibrations can help to restore harmony and balance to the body by encouraging healing and deep relaxation for the mind, body and soul. The sound promotes a feeling of tranquillity and offers a time for peaceful reflection as you’ll feel a sense of truly being ‘in the moment’.

The Sound Healing treatment can help to unblock your chakras and restore a positive flow of energy throughout the body. There are seven chakras which are the main energy centres of the body, and when our chakras become blocked – usually due to repressed emotions such as anger, grief, sadness, worry or fear, this can inhibit the natural flow of energy around the body, which disrupts the mind, body and spirit connection. The treatment will focus mostly on the Crown Chakra, Heart Chakra, and Solar Plexus Chakra – as the bowls are placed over these areas to release the energy.

As the body is mostly made up of water, the vibrations made by the singing bowl create vibrations inside our body which cause our body to emit alpha and theta brain waves in synchronicity with the vibrations emanating from the singing bowl.

Aside from promoting deep relaxation, other benefits to this treatment can include helping to alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety, improving circulation, and stimulating the immune system.

After the treatment, you may feel a little bit lighter, as though a weight has been lifted, deeply relaxed, balanced and ready to take on your world once again.


This treatment lasts for 25 minutes and costs £41*

To book Sound Healing for your next visit, or to find out more, click here or call our Treatment Advice Line today on 01664 433043.

*Prices quoted are correct at the time of publishing and may be subject to change.

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