Mar 28, 2024

Ragdale Hall Spa Community Chest Charity Initiate relaunches for 2024

As we launch our 16th year of Ragdale Hall Community Chest (previously known as Make it Happen) we are excited to reach the milestone of donating £160,000 to local charities and organisations throughout the borough. Being able to contribute in this way and nurturing our community is a highlight for us here at Ragdale and we look forward to receiving applications for 2024 which are due to open on the 28th March 2024.

Since 2008 we have collaborated with local newspaper, The Melton Times to bring this charity initiative to life each year, with editor Nick Rennie. Community and voluntary groups, charities, sports clubs and other worthy causes apply for a cut of our  £10,000 donation, with  donations ranging from £200 to £1,000. It is also a great opportunity for these groups to explain the work they do through the coverage of the scheme in the paper during the application process and at the awards night too!

From wonderful events and activities that support young children to the elderly in both body and mind, that repaireand maintain traditions of town and village life years to come, we love to hear and see all the good work that go on in the Melton Mowbray area and look to support these causes so they continue to thrive.

Ragdale Hall Spa has been operating as a spa for over 50 years and is an established place of employment for many in the surrounding area where most of our 500 employees reside.  We are so appreciative of the beautiful countryside and people around us that work tirelessly to ensure others needs are prioritised and, over the past 16 years, we  continue to enjoy giving back to keep our community flourishing.

With the application process beginning on Thursday 28th March in The Melton Times, make sure you keep a look out for details on how you can be part of this scheme and apply for a grant towards your worthy cause.

The Awards evening will take place on the 18th June 2024, where successful applicants will be invited to Ragdale Hall Spa to be awarded their cheque for the requested sum and enjoy an evening of celebration.

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