Oct 16, 2023

Spiced Orange and Pomegranate Gimlet

Our mixologists have been crafting the perfect autumnal cocktail ready for cosy evening in. Whether you’re wrapping up in a blanket by the fire or toasting to the beginning of the festive season, discover our cocktail of the month in the Twilight Bar ‘Spiced Orange and Pomegranate Gimlet’.  This cocktail is easy to make at home and adds a little more warmth to a cold night or some spice to your dinner party with loved ones.  With zesty flavours paired with your favourite gin and garnished with pomegranate seeds and an orange wheel, raise a glass (or martini glass perhaps) to sipping on memories and creating new ones this October.




50ml your chosen Gin – we love it with our Ragdale Hall Spa Signature Gin, why not pick up a full size of mini bottle when you next visit!

25ml Fresh Lime Juice

15ml Spiced Orange Syrup (spiced with cinnamon and cloves)

15ml Pomegranate Syrup

Garnish with dried orange wheel and pomegranate seeds to preference




Chill the Glass: Place your cocktail glass in the freezer for a few minutes or fill it with ice water to chill while you prepare the drink.

Mixing: In a cocktail shaker, combine the gin, orange and pomegranate  syrup and lime juice.

Shake: Fill the shaker with ice, secure the lid, and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds. The outside of the shaker should be frosty, making the mixture inside thoroughly chilled.

Serve: Discard the ice water from your chilled glass if you used this method. Strain the cocktail mixture into your glass.

Garnish: Place the dried orange wheel to float on top of your cocktail and sprinkle a few pomegranate seeds for an elegant finish.



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