Aug 23, 2023

Mushroom Pâté and Fermented Blackberry Appetiser

Unearth the perfect Mushroom Pâté with fermented blackberry this bank holiday weekend. Whether spread on crusty bread or paired with your favourite crackers, enjoy a blend of sweet blackberries with a velvety smooth mushroom pâté and indulge your loved ones over the long weekend.

Mushroom pâté

300g of chestnut mushrooms, chopped

10g of dried porcini mushrooms

2 garlic cloves, sliced

1 shallot, diced

1 sprig of rosemary, leaves picked and finely chopped

2 sprigs of fresh tarragon

sherry vinegar, to taste

salt to season

Fermented blackberries

200g of blackberries

250ml of water

15g of salt

1 spiced clove

½ cinnamon stick

1 orange, zested

1 tbsp of raw honey, or agave for a vegan alternative



Begin by preparing your blackberries, as they will take at least 5 days to ferment.

Place your blackberries in a bell jar. Dissolve the salt in the water and add your spiced clove, cinnamon stick, orange zest and honey. Pour the brine over the blackberries, making sure they are completely submerged under the liquid. Top with a disc of greaseproof paper and leave at room temperature for 5 days until you notice the mixture starting to fizz.

Top Tip: If no bubbles appear after a week, consider moving the jar to a warmer room in the house.

Once you’ve tasted your blackberries and are happy with the flavour and tang, move your jar to the fridge to stop the fermenting process. Your fermented berries are now ready to serve with your mushroom pâté. Leave in a cool area until needed.

To make the pâté, begin by soaking the dried mushrooms in warm water for about 10 minutes until soft.

Meanwhile, sauté your garlic and shallot in a splash of oil until translucent. Add your soft mushrooms, rosemary and tarragon to the pan. Cook until soft.

Squeeze any excess moisture out of the soaked mushrooms (but keep the soaking liquid) and add to the blender.

Blend to a smooth paste, adding some of the saved mushroom soaked stock if needed to help loosen the mixture.

Season with salt and sherry vinegar and leave the mixture to cool.

Serve with a side of fermented blackberries and your choice of crusty bread, Melba toast or cracker.


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