Jan 16, 2021

How to stay productive and organised during lockdown

From working at home to staying at home, lockdown 3.0 is here and keeping the momentum going can be tough… we’ve all been there! Setting out a routine and writing to-do lists are a couple of key tricks to keeping productive and organised whilst at home.

  1. Create a morning routine

Setting the tone for the day with things that you do regularly each morning will help to keep your mind active and keep you organised – morning rituals could include pouring yourself a glass of water, doing some yoga or dancing around to your favourite song. Avoid snoozing the alarm and try to wake up every day at the same time so you don’t mess up your internal clock!

  1. Clean your space

You know what they say, a tidy home really does equal a tidy mind, and it’s true! If you are constantly surrounded by clutter, your mind will start mimic the physical space you are living in. It’s time to get your organising hat on and make your home the place that gives you energy. You will start to feel instantly calmer, more accomplished and released from distractions.

  1. Make a plan/schedule for the week

Setting out a plan for the week by making a list will help you establish what you want to achieve. Make your list specific with when you are going to do it and what you need to make it happen. You can spilt your list in a daily and weekly plan. By doing this, you will feel much more productive and organised. Make sure to tick off your completed to-do’s, you will feel so good for it! 

  1. Eat healthy

Getting the right fuel into your body will help you feel energised which as a result will improve your productivity. It may be tempting to eat junk food and refined sugars during these uncertain times but if you fill up your fridge with nutritious food such as fruits, vegetables and protein, you’ll be on your path to a well balanced diet.

  1. Exercise

Doing physical exercise gets your mood-boosting endorphins going which helps to make you feel happier and more energised. It is the perfect way to set yourself up for the day. Make sure to schedule in some time to work out regularly, whether that’s in the morning, mid-afternoon or in the evening, whatever works for you. The gyms may be closed at the moment but there is endless of online workout tutorials to take advantage of!

  1. Self care/meditate

Becoming more mindful with one’s self has become extremely popular as we all seek to achieve a clearer mind and eliminate negative thoughts, worries and anxiety. It is an incredibly powerful tool and has great benefits in terms of productivity as it helps with focus and better sleep. Why not give one of our IGTV meditation videos a listen? Click here.

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