Mar 29, 2023

Easy Easter Recipes

Why not invite everyone round for an Easter celebration as we’re sharing some of our favourite recipes.  Cook up the perfect occasion, with delicious foods bursting with colour and flavour and enjoy the best of British spring time with loved ones.

Chargrilled Chicken with Roast Squash Salad



4 Chicken breasts

1 butternut squash cubed

3 tbsp olive oil

330g Cashew nuts, toasted

1 bunch of spring onions, finely chopped

1 red chilli

1tbsp pickled ginger

Black olives

4 tbsp torn coriander leaves

4 tbsp torn mint leaves

100ml coconut milk

100ml low fat plain yoghurt

Zest and juice of 1 lime


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, fan oven 180 degrees or Gas Mark 6.

Put the butternut squash into a roasting tin and add 2 tbsp of olive oil, and lightly toss until butternut squash is coated. Roast for 15-20 minutes.

Lay the chicken flat on a work surface. Use a sharp knife to slice the chicken through the centre without cutting all the way through. Open out each side of the chicken to so it is shaped like a butterfly. Brush both sides with olive oil. Chargrill for 4-5 minutes on each side until cooked either on the Barbecue or on a chargrill pan.

Once the butternut squash is roasted,  combine the butternut squash with the remaining ingredients.

Serve your salad with a beautifully cooked through chicken.


Marinated Vegetables in Fresh Pesto Dressing


4 plum tomatoes

4 baby aubergines

1 courgette

4 peeled shallots

1 yellow pepper

1 small bulb of fennel

56g sugar snap peas

56g baby corn

For pesto dressing

28g pine nuts

28g fresh basil

42g fresh parmesan

1 clove of garlic, crushed

60ml virgin olive oil


Quarter the tomatoes and cut the rest of the vegetables into smaller pieces and place in a roasting dish.

To make the dressing, lightly toast the pine nuts until golden and leave to cool.

When cool, place most of the pine nuts in a blender with the basil, parmesan, and garlic.

Blend well, gradually adding the olive oil.

Bind the roasted vegetables and the remaining pine nuts in the pesto dressing and roast in a preheated oven and 180 degrees or gas mark 4 for 15-20 minutes.

Top tip: You can vary the vegetables according to season or preference. This versatile dish can be served as a starter or main course or as a side dish.


Chilli and Lime Salsa


28g of fresh red chillies

1 small onion

14g of coriander

1 clove of garlic

112g of tinned chopped tomatoes

Juice of 1 lime

10ml of virgin olive oil

Salt and black pepper


Remove the seeds from the chillies. Finely dice the chillies, onion, and coriander.

Crush the garlic and add to the chillies, onion, and coriander mix. Add in the chopped tomatoes, lime juice and olive oil.

Season with salt and pepper and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.

Top tip: This makes a delicious spicy accompaniment to a chicken dish or can be served with raw vegetables as a great dip for light snacks.

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